Alibaba emblezzed by pirates on the shore

Alibaba has sent eletronic products to our harbor in Santos-SP/Brazil

This Trade was our share in the payment for assessment to international CAC (cell phones, eletronics, accessories and clothes) changed onto GIP/GAIP (gerador de alteração de identidade provisória) - more info on CAC in Brazil -

The allotment in the shore is emptied, no sheds for assigning the products ahead

The Auction for the construction of the neighborhood in the harbor wasn't accomplished and the money was given to any executive, executive whom there was no option to the building of new neighborhood to allocate the custom agents and re-direct the eletronic products to their destination and to Paraguay through the remodelling of rhodes that would also benefit civil construction and production of diesel, due to lack of the Bidding/Auction for the new harbor neighborhood.

To the missing Bidding, the Brazilian executive was forced to spend the money to build a hotel in the nearest city on the shore, assuming an enormous enterprise which wasn't in his plans. The former president was accused of visiting a Pentyhouse in that city; he was accused of attempting to buy that apartment using money from the Government, but he never entered the installments to buy it. To this rumour he was condemned to jail.

Hundreds of thousands of eletronics traded in by Alibaba Group Holding Limited are emblezzed by the pirates of the harbor. We need the Bidding to the restructuring of the new neighborhood in the harbor immediatly, for our Chinese and Indian immigrants to have a more competitive position in the Brazilian Business and Trade, anything better than being owners of local groceries or running micro boxes in dirty galleries downtown.

Alibaba is Trading with the Middle East also, and the bi-lateral transactions imply our participation within international oil.

This post is in English. Still, I have only published here exclusively.


Wishing you the very best,

Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes


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