GPS for pedestrians connected to the Google Earth

GPS para pedestres conectado ao Google Earth.....como o trajeto do GIP dos detetives, mas programado por nós mesmos. Parecido ao "caça-pokemon": opções de destinos para nós conhecermos melhor a cidade, nós teremos que nos localizar prlo GPS, como um trabalho de "detetive/figurante/extra". Nós poderemos usar como forma de nos localizar se estivermos eprdidos também........pelo celular ou tablet, android ou apple.

GPS for pedestrians connected to the Google Earth....alike the track traced for extras in the city (GIP, WIG, TIM, LIG, on the ear), but instead mapped for ourselves. Similar to "hunt pokemons": options of destinations for us to go in the city, we have find the destination on the GPS, as a work for an extra. We can use as a way to locate ourselves if we are lost too. For cell phones or tablets, android or apple.

An option for Google to regain the stocks they've lost to Kwai and Tik-tok.:

Fresh news from Bloomberg, and Tik-tok, youtube, China with news!!!

 Fresh news from Bloomberg:

Gabriela Santos from JPMorgan believes that most assertive investments are for Chinese economy. 

For which I have to disagree, considering that if new Trade Agreements prevail between the U.S.A. and China, the customs targeted from South American Goods, which taxes are charged by the U.S., won't be able to pay off their revenues either to the U.S., nor to the destinated country, or to the original producer sources (the Goods come from South America, regardless of whom the stocks belong to. Thus, the investments must come here too, to allow production)

This is my opinion.


Tik-tok, youtube, China with news!!!

In 2019, the U.S. was fighting against China for entrance of Tik-tok online platform in American territory.

Later on, the U.S. allowed Tik-tok and Kwai as short movies streaming. Some people thought that this was a maneuver for allowing to enter as a broader way to reimburse and hire more city extras, making movies on the street.

This morning I was trying to download my video from the, to send to a job application. I found out that and "youtube go" are no longer working for all services and for broad -  free services. Instead, other youtube downloaders are traps: some imply bugs in terms of advertising, others steal your computer's information and documents. The advertiments they output is for Kwai and Tik-tok, most of times.

Mr Trump, former president, warned the world about the problem of this haressment.

The worst, is that when I tried 123APPS for converting the youtube URL, I faced the information that youtube files were not compatible with that platform, due to Copyright licenses. This implies that the Google Earth rights, now might belong to Tik-tok and Kwai, once youtube images belonged to Google.

China wanted to have a participation on the Google Earth, so to have rights for payment for the logistics, maintainance and general satellite assistance for the nanotechnology that people use whilst working as city extras. 

U.S. and Google must now find out which countries own more stocks of Tik-tok and Kwai, and buy shares of those companies to their own revenue (as well as Instagram downloader - the only legal video downloaders at present. As for the ad-firewares' they exist at the moment, to forcify people to buy more hardware - new cell phones, tablets, laptops, etc)

When youtube has their videos under Copyright, and it is not American, it is almost impossible to monetize and propel its content, specially if the country that owns the Copyright is resembling Communist, and it is filled with internet restrictions. The content at youtube MUST belong to Google and be free for download, so for means of monetizing and propelling the content - it MUST belong to the video producer (Hotmart, Megachat, Ifriends).

China needed earnings for their satellite assistance, and a participation at Google earth was a good solution. But Outsourcing the youtube Copyrights through Tik-tok and Kwai was a dirty movement, that needs to be withdrawn by the purchase of the majority of Tik-tok's, Kwai's and Instagram video recorder's stocks back to Google.

Considering that most youtube recorders have advertisiments for Tik-tok and Kwai, this is an implication that youtube's new Copyrights have indeed been Outsourced to Tik-tok, Kwai and Instagram's video recorder, and that their Group of Companies are probably willing to do business with Google, to sell a percentage of their Copyrights back to Google earth, by means of amortization of debts contracted by China within the Trade War.

Bless, peace, progress.....

Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes

Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes


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