Inserting China and BRICS at pharmaceutical international industry

Governor Doria of Sao Paulo State was given the offer to buy vaccines from China, considering that our system of circulation under nanotechnology used up more services of satellite assistance from China than we could handle and pay for.

China wanted us to buy their vaccines from here, and have us allow them to sell overseas through our Health System - SUS, that is inserted in the Global Market of  Stocks for the pharmaceutical industry.

That is internationally irregular for two reasons:

1) the SUS - Brazilian Health System - is not Global. Our Health system attends our people only, giving free medication for the most complex Health disorders by using revenue from our taxes and from Trade Agreements with other countries. To insert the BRICS, or China in a similar Trade Agreement, other arrangements would have to be made.

2) The vaccines bought from China were not tested by Anvisa so to be sold from our SUS. After testing the vaccines at Butantan Institute and allowing a margin of profit for China in a new Trade Agreement, that would be possible for Brazil to sell stocks of these vaccines to the USA or Canada, so to sell to less privileged countries of the Caribbean, South America and Africa.

At - - A point was made about uplifting BRIC's economy by inserting the countries of BRICS in the Pharmaceutical industry.

At - , ,  the suggestion was the insertion of TCM (China), Ayurveda (Índia), Raizeiro (Brazil) at Global Stock Market, as phototherapy online platform of ointments and other natural formulas. The kick-off for the insertion of these countries are the insurance policies sold to women that have corrective vaginal plastic surgery for cases of congenital malformation, mutilation, sexual abuse, involution, tht will need natural ointments for intimate care.

Please read links, 

Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes


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