Ali Express and Call Center

 I wished for China to wing over Pakistan through Armenia on Ali Express' Call Center at support for shopping, similarly as Japan nested Barnes & Nobles for researches on mechanical hand prosthesis for people who lost their hands and fingers because of credit card debt whilst unemployed, considered by the bank chains as freelancer typists because they had any kind of keyboard at home. No extra pliers implied at Ali Express, though, not for Pakistan nor to any other Call Center host, as India or maybe Brazil.

The machines used pliers to enter people's homes and amputate their fingers, so to rehabilitate them to music as entertainment showbusiness and pay for all the other population's palms. The artificial intelligence of the bank understood that for the sake of blood being means of market in the USA, our limbs were also for trade: that's insane, but the argument of Robocop turns 'bound this premise.

The videoclip with the Brazilian actor, wistful Milton Gonçalves, shows people gathering towards his singing at a public square. The people were crossing arms, and Milton was eliciting them to raise their hands. Truth, they were unprovided of limbs with supposed healthy GAIP covering the missing fingers.

CCB sees through this since the 1980's, at the beginning of usage of credit cards. They motivate learning of orchestral instruments to play at church, and they keep schools of penny whistles for children by means of Christian families to declare their musical studies at the income tax return.

More recently other Christian Communities were given the task to finance and distribute palms in their Conventions, which replace amputated fingers, as a compensation for semi-gratuity in their Gospel multimedia. 

More recently men started taking manicures too to declare the contribution at manicures to the income tax return, alike women. These men are so-called: metrosexual, that is, men who take care of aesthetics, but are not necessarily gay. For a long time, the Christian people didn't like to take manicures because in the past, the beauticians that polished nails were involved with vodoo and clandestine habits that also amputated fingers, as means to retain their clients.

Drug abusers who smoke joints and pipes also are at risk of losing their limbs to the pliers.

Arabic were victims of having their hands cut off because of stealing since acient times. More recently many innocents were cowardly and unjustly accused of robbery and had their hands choped off. Japan along with Barnes & Nobles and United Arab Emirates researched new technology for prosthesis and orthesis of skillful hand implant undercover of a healthy GAIP.

NÃO VOU TRADUZIR PORQUE, ASSIM COMO AFIRMOU A ANCIÃO ESTA NOITE: "VOCÊS NÃO ESTÃO PRONTOS PARA ALIMENTOS MUITO FORTES, ENTÃO PRECISAM RECEBER SOMENTE O 'ALIMENTO RACIONAL' - I Pedro 2:2  Desejai afetuosamente, como meninos novamente nascidos, o leite racional, não falsificado, para que por ele vades crescendo;

Antes de termos as próteses, tínhamos um corpo saudável de carne, não falsificado. Portanto, alimentem-se da Palavra de Deus no culto, "Alimento Racional", para que não venham vocês também terem que entender do que se tratam as próteses e órteses oriundas de reabilitações por deformidade ao nascimento, ou por acidente e amputação.

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mais info em Barnes & Nobles, no último parágrafo do texto:

All best,

Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes


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