Solidéu e Missa do Galo 2020

The Skullcap (Solidéu) covering The Pope's hair

Santifies not only His head

From the mouth, which is sacred

the Skullcap santifies His ears, eyes, nose and beard

His body is protected from external influence

and His head means Christ's expression on earth.

This is huge, ain't it?

Thus, we must love and respect.

The Liturgy this year's Christmas said that Jesus was born with the mark of royalty

This means that pain and love was within His soul from birthdate.

The Pope carries this mark of pain and love with Him.

The Church was founded about a hundred years after the Crucification of Christ.

My opinion is that The Church is the return of Jesus Christ in His Glory

Thy Santity, the Pope, is the Representation of Christ's Full Glory.

We've expected Jesus to come and show us His Refulgence again

Outside The Church, that's not a reality

And the Pope may carry the nations by the hand 

to recognize the moment of repentance

The Apocryphe Gospel of Thomas:

23 Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one from a thousand and two from ten thousand, and they will stand as a single one." - The math that reduces the populations into a group of believers and build the invisible borders between the religions for peace in the same territory is also as Glorious as the Return of the Lord: as He carries on His duty by the Right side of the Father, His followers on earth settle peace as a single body - The Church, Represented by Thy Santity, the Pope.

Beautiful Homily at midnight mass tonight about the Purity of the Jesus Boy Reborn inside of each one of us every year by Christmas time and, renewed inside our beloved Pope once again by the Grace of God Almighty.

The Tongue must be educated but fasting has to be moderated, and not during periods of festivities. We love our Church, our Cardinals, Bishops and Priests, They need delicious food specially over feasts.

There May be life!

Merry Christmas!

Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes


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