Western and Eastern Leaderships

At channel CNA, relating subjects concerning China, the Dalai Lama presented Himself, welcomed by a number of children who had several prayers. Those prayers bring conclusions into arguments about where should the Dalai Lama be placed next (or stay at same position).
The incredible physical resemblance between the Dalai Lama after the past decade and the Argentinian Pope, Thy Santity Francisco, means to me as an important and spiritual moment to the planet, in spite of the ocurrances with Corona virus, economic crises and rumours of wars. 
Funny to me, as a Catholic-Christian, that the Dalai Lama is supported by love and assertive conclusions of young children, amongst discernment is born. The children that support the Dalai Lama, bend the arrow onto a new moment, and they assist the upcoming years remaining as they are now, concerning Buddhist and Catholic Leaderships. 
On the other hand, the Pope is first chosen by the Clero and He may live until allowance of God Almighty. 
So, as I wish for long life and health to all my family, (dog inclusive - attempts against animal lives recently), I turn my positive concern to the balanced overview that both: human and technological intellect raised by sincere buddhist prayers all over the world and the love brought by Jesus Christ inspire the life of our Pope on the face of earth. At this moment, these both Leaderships are not entrailing a rivalty. It's time for reasonable coperation, and so it must remain and continue. That's my opinion.

(I've been asking for many things
What I don't say
Deep inside me
I want from Him
Freedom to pay my bills
Rights to come and go
And to stand for what I believe
Free sleigh
My family, neighbors, co-related
Business partners from the past, present and future
Lovers I've had and that I may
All around me.....
That we shall restart right away
And free of records
Under the Law of men and under the Law of God
So...that having been said
Just for those who seek justice and rightousness
And make an effort to be absent from evil
I wish
freedom to Trade and deal
In-between the nations
Enterpreneural inspiration to us all
It must begin now!)

Truth will prevail,

Thaís Fernanda Ortiz De Moraes

PS.: Queria também falar que o Budismo tem uma caracterização Católica, pelo escarlate com o qual Jesus se santificou. Digamos que o martírio Budista é o preço que se paga por se permitir que o erro da humanidade se alongue e se arraste por milênios, sendo que a resposta e o conserto de toda nossa dor são instantâneos e já foi ensinada há milênios atrás. Mas Buda permite este escarlate no planeta, com o qual seus monges se revestem, para que neste intervalo de tempo, o máximo de pessoas alcancem a iluminação (Salvação). Por isso, a paz e a abundância às vezes parecem demorar um pouco aos olhos dos homens. Essa é minha opinião.


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