The Spice Trade Agreements in India

 When the railroad that crosses the territory of India was finally finished, England charged India a fee for having constructed the railroad.

Because of national joy for Independence from England, India claimed they wouldn't oppose to pay for the fee, as long as they were given the right to have a participation in the Trade Agreement being stablished in the post II World War. So, India offered England their spices as means of Trade.

England was resistant because the Middle East was already trying to take this part of economy, and at that time Arabics were a stronger community in England than Indians.

Easily, they came to a deal to have India sell both Arabic's and Indian's spices. On the other hand, The Middle East would sell the 800 hundred types of foods and beverages from their land.

This was around early 1950's and Israel was curious to know how they should participate, because Israel finances banks in London and they needed to have a percentage in the transaction, but they knew the Middle East wouldn't comply, because the fight between these two territories lasts for centuries.

In an attempt to try to have India inserted in some sort of Trade Agreement, England promoted the "Spread of India Spirituality" around the world. England also started a Gastronomy revolution along with France, that permitted restaurants have access to spices, regardless where in the world they were, in spite of no Trade Agreements on spices sales ever signed.

And this is the beginning of the war in Gaza since the second half of the 20th century, and also the reason why all world have no access to spices, thus our food is never as tasty as in restaurants. And also the reason why Indians are sometimes stablished and working at foreign countries, but they can't take a working visa = because India isn't inserted in Trade Agreements until today, even though they are one of the most important IT Service Providers in the world.

Wishing you the very best,

Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes


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