Nanotechnology research that EU failed to purchase from the USA, Britain's lies, Israel's rumours. Ukraine all wrapped at world today.

Good morning Mr. Wong.

I wish you all in the Japanese/Chinese family, as well as the children and their caregivers the best from 2024!

This is Thaís Britney, the orphan from the early 1990's; I live in the North Zone and you still help with International Health Care. Boy, do you all believe I have reached 40 years old AND that you are still a major part of my life???? I truly love you all, truly.

I was watching News tonight and the issue 'bounds for this article I wrote, forwarded below. If you don't have time to read, I might plead with you to forward to someone interested in such matters.

Wishing you the very best,

Nanotechnology research that EU failed to purchase from the USA, Britain's lies, Israel's rumours. Ukraine all wrapped at world today.

janeiro 03, 2024

 Tonight at sport's headlines "What a shot!" at CNN International:

CNN opens for the viewer that many Brazilians and other South Americans, some of them were Christians, and also Luke Humphries, all of whose muscles are not as worked out by nanotechnology as other North American competitors. Those weaker genes' people have been allowed a won at many competitions in the USA in the past bi-mester.

The reason, now explained, is that France hadn't accepted the incursion of nanotechnology within sports until the World Cup in Paris, in 1998, which FIFA allowed them a won for the initiative for attempting at accepting the usage of nanotechnology at soccer players.

At that very Trade Agreement, for the supply of the research of nanotechnology for Europeans at sports, considering the accomplishment of EU at that same year, the EU made deal to purchase reaserch for nanotechnology from the USA.


When Donald Trump fought China against unfair competiton at Trade War, he now reminds the nation that at all times he emphasized the unfair competition China was placing at nanotechnology research by EU. However, Donald Trumo felt as a taboo to dig deeper at the issue itself, because the usage of nanotechnology at society as a whole is still a big taboo for most of the world, except for Americans, who feel greatly blessed whenever chosen to have their "genes looked closer", which is, when some North American is chosen for a project of which they will be assesed with improvements in their Genes through nanotechnology (in Brazil, we call this technology chips or GAIP). And overall, that's exactly what what the canadian company Byrds do all around the world. They improve the actual genes the civilian has in their usage of nanotechnology, as their own portray. São Paulo has already got the concession for Byrds at our city, but we still need Trade Agreements for China accepting our payment for the managements of nanotechnology usage at CAC (Clothes, accessories and Cell Phones) through Byrds, which also uses Chinese management for CAC.

Donald Trump claimed Trade War against China because Europe was failing against their Trade Agreement with the USA, and EU was buying nanotechnology research from China instead.

China protected themselves, by saying that at the time of the Trade between EU and USA set, EU, didn't know China was at this same type of business research, and they came for China for this service. Donald Trump refuted their explanation and believed China was actually responsible for offering the service, even knowing America had a Trade Agreement with EU. China refused this argument, by saying that even though athletes in EU and Brazil had same types of nanotechnology, China sold only CAC to Brazil, not nanotechnology for athletes. So China assumed anyonelse could be providing EU with the nanotechnology research.

So, when China came to the USA saying that they needed a few Trade Partners from NAFTA so to continue to offer the steel to NASA, the USA responded by saying that if the EU couldn't yield their targets with the nanotechnology China was offering, that was because the Trade Agreement they closed deal with North America was for much superior and more enhanced researches on nanotechnology, of which North America pioneeers around the world, and EU commitments on results upon the nanotechnology researches 'bounds on this Trade Agreement. Clearly, once China sold cheaper technology to EU, and EU didn't have enough revenue to invest in more nanotechnology research for China to comply with the steel Trade Agreement with the USA, and as Donald Trump seriously believed the USA had no commitment to offer their own business partners whatsoever, North America would most definitely deny concealing their market to China.

More recently, because of outcome of war in Ukraine, in which, Ukraine has repeatedly been mentioning their need for Army Supply through an Airforce, considering that Biden hasn't still decided how to start new researches for engines that will suffice for Ukraine's needs, Japan announced they are testing turbines themselves. This declaration wasn't at all clear, but Japan put out news tonight at CNN International of a fire on a plane in japanese territory, news which we are not sure happened just recently or if the announcement of an accident implies testing that Japan is at advance on initianing.

South Korea broadcasted the news of the fire in the Japanese airplane, which implies also that they are partners on these researches. This all sums up at conclusion that China is also being supported by Japan, considering that South Korea and China are major Trade Partners, and Japan must be trying to show official support to a Trade Agreement for the outcome of the war, that favours China at the uprising market which is uplifting at Eastern Europe for digital inclusion and EV cars mainly, as a result of the consequential rise at Eastern Europe, considering the reconstruction of Ukraine through a compatible technology on AirForce according to their new reality and needs.

We must not speculate if the market at Eastern Europe will belong to Russia, or to whatever country that provides the AirForce to Ukraine first. Considering that Russia attacked Ukraine, some investment should be made at Russia, for them to implement Ukraine's new AirForce technology. However, which country will provide this technology and will supervise this implementation, will depend totally on whose International manufacturer is going to receive more support on purchase of stocks from investors. I was trusting Rolls Royce would be the airplane turbines researcher to be invested by Israel because of recent rumours of war, criminally revoking peace at Gaza (just because Israel wanted an explanation for stock market in England be at minus 24 at the very date of the announcement of attacks at Gaza on October, 2023. Mostly because Israel is a major investor on British Banks. England holds a Trade Agreement they wrote that assumes that Brazil's Agribusiness must belong to China, because we shouldn't have money to pay for their technology (which we pay by usage of nanotechnology research from China); at this Trade Agreement, England accused China to owe this money to the USA, by declaring that China's technology belonged to the USA, and at this same Trade Agreement, England declared that as the USA and Hong Kong had both been colonized by the British, this revenue belonged to UK. Then, the UK claimed to the other nations of EU that as this Trade Agreement was all about their colonies, England had to comply with Australia, because the UK had sent many prisoners in jail to colonize Australia, and England had a serious commitment to support Australia thus.

Only 20% of population officially declared in Australia is actually alive, and the rest of the money England supposedly should send to Australia, is sent to Greece as England's slush fund.

Because of the slush fund, Greece can't properly use this money, so they buy illegal products at the black market, such as illegal medicine that inhibit their population's wish to eat. Greece also commit several crimes against their own people, to control them against a rebellion because of lacking of all basic services. As Greece is holding Brazil's revenue as England's slush fund, they try to control Brazilian society by commanding church Christian Congregation in Brazil to commit the exact same crimes they oppress Greek civilians against all Brazilian society. Christian Congregation in Brazil was responsible for placing and holding Military Dictatorship in 1960's and 1970's. Greece claims to these faithful Christians, that as they are the only Tropical country in Europe, Greece was chosen to rule Brazil's society against the "American Imperialism". As far as I am concerned, Europe is the continent that defends kings and queens, and not America, which is capitalist and defended free market and full access to technology for most countries in the world).

Following the Brexit, and because of China's economy's improval on production and sales of EV cars, England's stock market started to fail.


Because of rumours of war on October, 2023, Israel should be asked to spread news of supporting researches of turbines for Ukraine's new AirForce, be it Rolls Royce or other means, through investment of turbine's manufacturers stocks, among other Jewish investors, so to motivate other communities of investors to propel these type of manufacturing stock's to Higher peaks at the market, so to raise enough money for the implementation of Ukraine's AirForce and the maneuver at goods that should be assessed to Eastern Europe, and the countries involved, inasmuch for the countries benefited, in these new Trade Agreement, for the new moment that will improve productivity and enhance economic profile in the entire Globe.

Wishing you a beautiful 2024,

Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes



PIX = +55 11 9757 - 00 - 536

My mobile # for WhatsApp English classes = +55 11 - 9395-46-097


All my love and much health for us all in 2024!

Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes


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