Joe Biden inputs the Highest Inflation of USA of all times through Governamental credit card fraud. Be a Republican. Vote for Donald Trump.

The USA face the highest peak of inflation of the History.

However, the Mint of USA is not printing enough or excessive cash and coins what would mean inflation.

Joe Biden, the current American President is operating an inconstitutional deal of buying credit card debt of the citizens and having the American Central Bank pay for them. He is alleging to the people that Social Medias and the Facebook is taking citizens images and shootages in their personal lives and this broadcasting pays for their Mortgage and credit card bills. This system does exist, but in the USA it is not financed by the Government; this is a private type of hiring contract. If the Central Bank pays for the credit card debt, the banks are paying twice (for the credit concealed through the card bills and for the payment of such bills as well in Joe Biden's scheme of Central Bank assumption of national debt, which he called as "Debt Ceiling", in which he decided to discover the limit each citizen could use for credit card monthly for the USA Central Bank to assume), because the Central Bank is a group of the Private Banks investing the country, and this scheme in the USA is illegal.

Joe Biden developed a system of voices announcing the news on tv, that repeat what is said in reality shows in South America and the tv news in the USA started to reproduce silent rumours of chats and comments from nanotechnology from BNDES in Brazil by using the digital signal of the "phony" that command the talks within the Brazilians nanotechnology. This alone removed about 40% of Commonwealth some artists invest in Brazil's reimbursed urban circulation/city extra, and this revenue reflects in the city extra reimbursement of cities in the USA, because some of these artists in Brazil are music producers in America.

This scheme is made by having the Central Bank assuming highly paid salaries of the population, through having 90% of jobs reimbursed by social media, the press and 5 minutes gigs with people under nanotechnology. In the USA, these type of salaries don't come from Central Bank, but the nanotechnology do. He says that other countries as Brazil have their people reimbursed by the Government by their personal lives, but in Brazil Brazilians have an specific bank of investments (BNDES) to assume this debt. In the scheme, a smaller percentage of revenue from the Media profit is invested in real jobs. Due to high purchase of EV cars, which elevated the consume of Enriched Uranium in the nuclear plants, and dimminished the consumption of oil, which is the commercial balance that brings oil to the USA, inflation was another consequence, because in the USA job generation had always been a consequence of oil consumption. The automatic payment of credit card bills that population discount cut from their bank accounts' chase, and the overdrafts concealed by the Central Bank also took things out of control. The Central Bank finds this restitution to have population's taxes, bills and mortgages paied from the thickest percentage of the Media productions. However, due to unsponsored productions, the revenue with excessive distribution of broadcasted nanotechnology retributed with high payments ruined Biden's Debt Ceiling plans. Another problem with the "Debt Ceiling" is that the ads are mostly by Social Media and Press, so they are also unprofitable. Some of the ads and payed videos are shot in foreign territory so the USA earns none.A real solution for promoting real jobs is buying debt of desactivated nuclear plants in bankrupt suburbs and trying to pay for this debt through buying other debts from bankrupt refinaries in the USA. The bankrupt refinaries' gas stations that now are buying gas from other refinaries are also generating debt to the refinary. If finding investors Trade Partners in the Emirates to invest in selling Petrobras and other America partner refinaries around the world, to pay-off for the gas stations' debt, and expanding gas stations for other areas, the refinaries should amortize the debt and consequently, the bankrupt nuclear plants would be overated again. In this type of economy rescue, most of the usines belong to the investor. If an Emirate investor, a deal of Trade with lower fees for Uranium and oil should be possible. EV cars in use should have a percentage passed on to Mexico and Canada. 


Israel on October/2023 claimed an attack on Gaza Strip.

Since de Gulf War, it is prohibited to revoke War in the Gaza Strip, because the conflicts at that area are always the same.


As the consumption of electricity in the USA highly increased because of EV cars, and electricity there is propelled by Enriched Uranium, as well as oil consumption decreased because of EV cars too, America is in debt with the purchase of Uranium that is sold by the Middle East whereas consumption of oil. Also, considering the suburbs in debt with the Government which is paying their taxes through assuming their credit card bills, these Nuclear Plants that give electricity to the suburbs are also in debt and bankrupt.

Once 90% of banks in the USA are property of Jews, Israel asked for a retaliation and an answer by claiming conflict in Gaza in October/2023.

If you want a solution for all this

You should decide once and for all to be a Republican.

Democrat Governments in the USA are Federalist, and the Congress has full command of the decisions of the USA; the president is unable to decide for what he signs. This wouldn't be a problem, if the Federalist Government shouldn't require foreign Representatives, so not to resign the right of Freedom of Speech if a Natural  American Citizen as a President  be chosen by the Federalist Government. So, the current Democrat Presidents by Federalist Governments are alleged to be foreigners with a Provisory American Citizenship. The system of Federalism was created to avoid Dictatorships, giving right to vote for a symbolic representative of the Congress in Power, every 8 years.

If you believe in America, you have to trust Republicans and Natural Citizens of North American presidents.

Now we have a threat on the USA elections in 2024

Current Democrat president Joe Biden by Federalist Government is now changing ID and claiming to be the candidate Desantis. 

The USA need a strong Representative, which is able to meet with other Leaders to discuss and compose Trade Agreements, just as Donald Trump did. He is one of the most exponential executives in the world, and he is the ONLY canditate in the USA Presidential election 2024, who is eligible to work at this moment of the end of conflict in Ukraine, in which several Trade Agreements will be stablished, several meetings will be assigned. Clearly, the other candidates obviously can't comply.

Donald Trump was responsible as a President for barely impossible meetings with Leaders such as Kim Jong Un in North Korea and several talks with Putin: this is a particularly special event because Russia is a Communist country with a strategy of having the Parliament deciding for all, and having Putin never positioning decisions. Russia plays a type of "Intellectual Cold War", setting their positions to the press, but never deciding anything. However, Trump managed to push Russia such ways that Putin agreed to talk to America several times. Still, the follow-up and conclusion of all of Trump's efforts were taken for granted when America chose a foreign president in a Democrat election that brought Joe Biden by Federalist Government, an old blind and irresponsible politician to America that brought the highest inflation of the USA of all times through Governamental credit card fraud.




(P.S.: Donald Trump has not been receiving funds for his candidature, he has no broadcasting, and the people in his speeches and dummies. The other retarded evangelic candidates are being supported by Churches that not even have natural American followers. America is off Trump because in 2020 election, the press was contamined with Evangelic ungraduate "jornalists" that were paid to shoot 1 second sequence of videos of ungraduate "jornalists" on a row, for 20 minutes square in national television for over 5 months, and the people were led to believe the Press was saying the truth. This was an attack to American Constitution Freedom of Press that infiltrated foreing evangelics as undergraduate "jornalists" up to the present moment in the USA national television to manipulate their way. These people's philosophy is something like this: "this is not even our country. let a foreigner do the work and we'll have our will".

The News Channel Bloomberg was removed from my area because Evangelics in the USA dropped a rumour I was watching Channel Bloomberg in my residence alone in my bed and masturbating at the same time. I desperatlty need that channel to complete my essays.)



In the following second people are not damming a deal for Ukraine bombing Russia

And what is this all about?

Ukraine has a storage of nitrogen bombs from the First World War which are highly destructive.

Ukraine bombed Russia's territory with these bombs dropped by droners - not planes - and hundreds of Russians were killed at once, by little amount of nitrogen in the capsule dropped and small propulsion in attack. This is one of the most powerful and destructive belic potential in the world.

Brazil's church Christian Congregation in Brazil stole a millionaire policeman's funeral plans's broker's bank account that collects from the Police in São Paulo State since 1995 who has a Congregational family (Policemen in São Paulo State's funeral plans are compulsory because of dangerous work, so this bank account is considerably wealthy). Brazil's church Christian Congregation is threatening Russia now to buy nuclear bomb propulsion with this money to attack Ukraine or Russia or any other country they would wish to put peer pressure on Ukraine's rebuilding through an Air Force, that obvisouly the USA is unable to operate because of Joe Biden's fraud, but Japan has claimed to wish to join together with South Korea in a possible kick off of researches and tests on turbines that should uplift Ukraine's economy and Eastern Europe's and send them projection in the market, bounding a leap in the Trade Agreements for capitalism around the world. The USA then should invest in stocks for Rolls Royce and other turbine manufacturers for the time to join.

Ukraine was trying to explain Russia that if their nitrogen storage was bombed, Russia would be responsible for a possibly mass destruction of the whole planet maybe, because the storages have high amount of nitrogen. So, Ukraine is claiming that whatever Brazil or any other country decides to do NEVER AGAIN ATTACK EASTERN EUROPE OR ANY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE MIDDLE EAST THAT ARE ENRICHED URANIUM PROVIDERS.

Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes


account number


PIX = +55 11 9757 - 00 - 536

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Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes

All my love,

Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes


Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes


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