Azerbaijan on bombing Armenia - moving forward with the case-study of start-up Rentbrella

 We heard several interpretations from today's news of Azerbaijan bombing Armenia.

By locals in São Paulo/Brazil, what we most felt was a sense of peer pressure on the Armenian community is São Paulo to place a firmly position towards Brazilian Government on how Brazil will accept Armenians efforts to invest their wealthy money in our economy.

The first Armenian Communities started immigration to São Paulo in the 1970's, by the time Armenia subway station was being built downtown, near to Armenian traditional Ortodox Catholic churches existing there, and right next to Estado Avenue, that connects the North Access to East and where the only Muslim Mosque in the city is located, giving free access to connect the two communities into easy communication for negotiation of economic ground into a neutral country which is Brazil (where political conflicts won't harm the outcome of the economic interests). 

Armenia should represent Eurpean and North-America interests in the negotiations with the Muslim in South American soil. Nevertheless, we were facing a major immigrant commotion by the side of the Korean community which had arrived in São Paulo a decade before, in the 1960's, and still hadn't found a niche to operate, specially because they were often taken as other Asian communties that had already been here longer, and had preferences whilst attaining to new markets.

When the investments for Armenian communties reached to our city, Koreans won over and stablished their communities at that very area. Thus, Armenians were pushed to other neighborhoods where they have tried to stablish and carve market within the Comex, although they aren't very successful in terms of political support to place a steady economy for their community.

My point view: Azerbaijan is finding means for broading the concession of outsourced Uranium to the USA through Brazil by trying to peer pressure Armenia to carve open market in São Paulo, and support the Uranium production in the Middle East.

Clarification - all Uranium outsourced to the USA from Brazil is bought legally from Gas and Energy companies, such as Glencore PLC, that sets a limit for Uranium consumption in the targeted markets, though they flow freely from beyond the uranium route which creates a real naval battle into the oceans.

The Company and start-up Rentbrella, that issues to rent umbrellas in São Paulo, has for means of service, the correct level of rain under demand to be produced in Brazilian territory from our nuclear usine propulsion (whilst the nuclear usines react with the satellites in the atmosphere of certain latitudes, provoking thunder and rain for crops specially). The rain under demand is Uranium Generated, and the appropriate case-study of Rentbrella's mission and actual reason for stablishing an umbrella-rental business in Brazil, would set the correct amount of Uranium that should be consumed at rain under demand in Brazil, also the percentage we should outsource to the USA, that is - finding out which Gas and Energy company Rentbrella's values to invest in and to which Stock Market in the world they represent as a start-up company from these Gas and Energy stocks, would be essential for actually "starting this start-up" into the business they are meant to. I call on Russian partnership for that very maneuver, specially the first savings strategies at a target time from Rentbrella's revenue and profits to invest in this Gas and Energy company, to define marketing and distribution strategies as well, so to imply into Mercosur's lifestyle the habit for umbrella rental. Rain levels would subsequently increase in the Mercosur, and umbrella rental habit into a lifestyle would make perfect sense.

(I was requested to a job interview at Rentbrella in São Paulo 2 years ago, but didn't qualified. If the Human Resources were just a little bit more serious, less prejudicious and more flexible, certainly, we would have already found a solution to this puzzle long ago).

Overall, I choose this opportunity to request Brazilian investors and investors in Mercosur to search for bold Gas and Energy Companies to purchase stocks around the globe, and also check towards Glencore PLC, because our SELIC rate in Brazil is highly affected by this type of investment (due to infliction of our oil company Petrobras in our economy and in other economies overseas). A wider participation into the investment on bold Gas and Energy Companies' shares around the world by Mercosur's counterpart, raises value to their own Petrobras' stocks, because they have same source of commodity representation into the Market niche.

Wishing you the very best,

Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes


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