P.S.: IDEAL Politics to Trade and Faveni

If you've read - https://ms-dos1991.blogspot.com/2023/06/equations-to-understand-ideal-politics.html

You wouldn't be surprised if I said that the Market has been trying to keep most exponential Economies equated to the 5 decimals multiple.

A simple variation of multiplying by 1.194.... (oil value divided by gold gram), the value of some currencies as the MAD and EGP should increase the value of Gold and Oil within the market.

This rise should suffice for increasing productivity of Brazilian Commodities for two index reasons:

1) The trendy condition of Trading gold in Brazil through Ourominas, instead of outsourcing the deal with Opus in Ecuador, avoiding corrupted figures due to illegal mining, considering Brazil's Real should maintain regular peaks at 5:1 with the U$ dollar.

2) Middle East also outsources Brazilian Oil to the USA, through deals from our Petrobras oil stocks, along with Japan, Scandinavia and Russia. A relevant rise on the figures of oil in the Middle East, more specifically EGP, should over rate value for money at our oil too (Arabic oil has been unable to leave most Arabic countries because of war. They validate their oil with Trade of their gold, and the gems + diamond from Islamic African countries dwelled in South America through Opus in Ecuador)

To increase figures at MAD and EGP = Russia, the moderator of war in the Middle East [{that is, who decides the amounts of ammunition arriving from the USA should go to each Arab country, and which part of American Ammunition should be Traded with armies around the world}

Russia should allow profit from ammunition towards Ukraine, to undervalue at bits the economy at Morocco and Egypt (MAD and EGP), and provoking the Gold and Oil to increase value in their market. This should be seemingly impossible right now, because Russia is at direct conflict with Ukraine, thus, there is no gaining for Ukraine from Russia's beset at the moment; so = the other facilitators of Ukraine's emancipation from the conflict should finance benefits to Ukraine through Russia's allowance at the 'America's ammunition's Trade' issue. The possible countries to benefit Ukraine should be Germany (he was cogitated) through USA's allowance from exact profit because of 'America's ammunition's Trade'.


Pseudo-intellectuals are accustomed to repeat quotes from famous economists, and they defend their beliefs about productivity indexes.

As I see it, Brazil isn't responsible for sales and International Trade of our Agribusiness and other Commodities. So we outsource our productivity, and this alone limits our production.

China is at sales of most of our stocks of grains and steel. They are forced by high consumption of steel, so they outsource Brazilian steel to the USA; but = they are not allowed to carve markets at sales of manufactured goods from that steel they have to purchase.


If Brazil is responsible for trading all of our Agribusiness, China shouldn't be able to pay for their Steel consumption, so to produce and outsource this Commodity to the USA.

FHC, a Brazilian Economist, Politician and former President believes Brazil should outsource more corn for China's Trade with International Partners, and leave more of our soy, rice, wheat and other grains to be negotiated straight from B3 - Brazil's Stock Market.


as old discussions become forgotten as they are not at the table anymore,

This hasn't been politically considered recently

About old ideas left out

We must consider too.....:

the Harmonizations of Linkedin profiles

The idea has been in the mind of some executives in São Paulo city - Brazil.

It seems that some business dossiers which didn't find an outcome in negotiations of executives in our country

Could go through an unarchive process

If upgrade of ID profiles were sold for younger Trainees

[{trainees should be located at their leisure time and offered an upgrade on their GIP/GAIP (Generator Alternation Identity Provision) = Skin/Nanotechnology)

Same way as harmonization of Facebook for couples at combined dates that work as city extras (casting that keep city flow) = the harmonization of Linkedin should combine two Trainees with the script of a meeting to approve the dossier that was assigned to them.

In São Paulo city, these Trainee executives should be taken by private cars to Itaim Bibi's wealthy area of the city, allowing the extinction of prostitution in the restaurants. The seats surrounding the outside area of the restaurants should be for booked language teachers to "muffle" the talks inside the restaurants.

This type of "tickets" that sell upgrading for business along with dossiers, is called in Brazil as "Fave". Students at University "Faveni" should be mainly cogitated for selling the tickets "Fave" to Trainees appropriately registered and oriented to the practice of such business.

Wishing you the very best,

Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes




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