US' debt ceiling

 The talk on International News is: U.S.' debt ceiling.

Don't you worry people of the world!}

As I can see and comprehend, the Ukraine Conflict is reaching to an end, indeed.

The greatest leaders of the White World, already know how they intend to manage the outcome of the war and how to outline the task of Eastern Europe.

So it seems.

A notice for that is the Actor USA projecting their revenue for domestic debt to this year, prompltly to assume new Trade Agreements with the other Actors involved in this International conflict, and announcing thus, as a Headline to the International Medias.

Actor Russia, the moderator, responsible and paid for$$$ calculating the ratio of the Block Chains towards the ammunition coming from the USA to the Midde East - and the rest of the ammunition, aiming to feed the armies of the world; Russia also is with the Block Chains that decide amounts of Uranium to feed nuclear plants around the globe, and as much Communist Countries (as the feared Actor North Korea) will get in terms of commodities.

A new Trade Agreement, if to assign Ukraine with an Air Force (regardless of the new Technology produced will stay in Russian or Ukranian territory), Civil Construction to North Korea, Automobile Stocks to North Korea from German manufacturing, all of which it has been discussed, murmured, whispered, repeatedly shouted!!!! = if any of that, the USA will, as usual, have to invest in a developing country for raising money to the Political maneuver; This developing country is usually Brazil and the other from Mercosur. We have talked over and over in King Kong Dynamite about the turning role of the start-up Rentbrella in Brazil, as the outcome of provisions of Gas/oil and Energy Outsourced from Mercosur to the USA; but to all this to be brought into a Trade Agreement (of which the Actor Russia is also responsible for developing), the USA needs to know the ceiling of domestic debt they HAVE TO comply for this and next year, or for the first 2 years that the new Trade Agreements are to venue.

Before they can even start to discuss about investments, it is important to know the full or approximate yearly revenue of the giant USA; they need to calculate the domestic debts for the next two years, and decide what's the debt ceiling = that is, the amount of internal debt which they cannot afford to let out from covering.

Examples of internal debts in the USA: Permanent debt (e.g.: national treasury bonds), Floating debt (e.g.: interest in a debt for a short-term/B2B Bank Bonds),  Unfunded debts (interest in a debt for a short-term/B2C Bank Bonds)

What Is National Debt?

The national debt, also known as federal or public debt, is the outstanding financial obligation of a country. The national debt of the United States is what the federal government owes creditors, including debt held by the public and federal government trust funds, and represents the sum of past annual budget deficits. U.S. national debt totaled $31.5 trillion in April 2023.

It is rather a challenge to the country decide which of the domestic debt must be complied with, specially because of unseasonal illegal migration. The final National Debt calculated cannot jeopardize the functioning of the years to come.

The calculus might preview a curve into the rate concerning revenue of the country into an antecipation of the earnings for the coming years, and try to envisage GDP applied to intrenal debt. Something like this will give an idea of National Debt of the USA for the next few years. BUT this studies of debt ceiling might imply that Joe Biden would have to stay for second mandate, so to apply the provisions into a talk onto new Trade Agreements and the end of the War in the Ukraine.


As the USA is a democratic electing voting country


It is NOT possible to know if Joe Biden will be the next elected president to bring a provision of National Debt for the years to come, with an envisage of National Debt for for this and next year, to start discussing with Russia, for the approximate figure they could invest and commit for the Trade Agreements to come.


The USA just might be rushed into a debt ceiling, to decide which international commitments for near future.

Election Polls towards Joe Biden elected in 2024, should mean positive towards the end of the conflict in Ukraine from now - or nearest future - as well.

But it is difficult to say.

CONCLUSION: The provision of US debt ceiling may be the first signals previewing the end of the conflict in the Ukraine. Let's hope. 

God Bless America


Lord Almighty may bring the Order and the Progress 

to Brazil,


Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes


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