Oil, Uranium, Rentbrella

Most portion of the population of the world agree that the USA attack the Middle East in exchange of oil.

I disagree

It is is not the oil only the US want actually. It is the enriched uranium/Plutonium for their Power Plants, which in the USA are responsible for most of the electricity generated.

Since the Cold War and the Space Race, Russia have stated that giving the USA all the Plutonium they want is dangerous, because the Soviets were most certain that nuclear leaks should occur as a result of many "scientists" that keep backyard shops for experiments, and that could provoke major tragedies.

The USA have argued for many years that since the Grand Canyon, the size of the USA and the amount of urban spaces won't change much. Russia believes that the purchase of new nuclear plants by the USA at any other part of the world, trying to push Uranium consumption, could mean harm.

About 2 years ago, Brazil earned a new start-up called Rentbrella. The successfull functioning of this start-up guarantees rain under demand to Brazilian usines that use up the Uranium for reacting with satellites in the atmosphere and send rain, that help crops and hydroelectrics to generate power. Rentbrella's rain under demand bring the correct percentage of oil and uranium that Brazil should outsource to the USA legally, under the command of Stock Market.

And it is then, when Rentbrella start their activities in Brazil, that Russia starts bombing Ukraine.

If we take into consideration that Russia is the moderator of the Middle East conflicts, deciding as much US' ammunition and bombs are entering the Middle East from the USA, and the other percentage which is to be sold to the armies around the world, I understand Russia lose ground for the intellectual assistance at this transaction, because Rentbrella would do Russia's work in tems of deciding also the retribution to USA in terms of oil/gas and energy = should this loss at command be a motive for bombing Ukraine?

On the other side of the conflict, we see North Korea, that is trying to find a way to earn demographic studies. They have studied the life of the birds for a long time now, and they want to have money to make a nursery inside a huge red turtle inside a zoo. The zoo is within the woods, and they want to know if that territory is truly theirs, because they don't want to pay extra for that.
Twenty years ago they were delluded with the possibility of being modestly inserted in the Stocks by accepting 3-d printers to build suspended lanes to take them to the places their demographics can reach. They also endorsed something about having vans with wi-fi for the students to studying in the intranet while commuting.

Other means of inserting North Korea to Stocks: percentage in cardboard bags' market (paper bags showing messages and brands in the streets of upcoming economies, that would bring venue to the big cities of the world - Communist countries from Eastern Europe should earn$$$ from watching to the developing countries of South America and Africa through droners, as we perform our work as city extra/city casting), and the paper bags' reclycling; percentage in reforestation of trees reserved for cellulose market. That's because the North Korea is reknown for parades that they hold a piece of cardboard over their heads in a perfect syncrony, and a huge image can be seen from the sky. Futhermore, their Penynsule would be rented to have ships parked on the shore to dissolve polymers and other solid types of particles by vaccum propulsion to sodium vappour or/?.

But concerning the Civil Construction by 3-d printers in North Korea, I idealize US' Rolls Royce researching for new engines to Ukraine's Air Force; Catterpilar financing the Tires for Ukraine's Air Force (accounting percentage to Michelin and Goodyear); CAT to finance the Civil Construction in North Korea also; And as to the vans, some German stocks to North Korea too. Germany should get their percentage in shares of automobile (vans), for oil, and for the 3-d printers, as a retribution for the outcome of II World War = as I see it the German cities were Besieged (speakers around the cities ruled the country), and Placebos (natural size clones with none of the functioning senses of the body but hearing) they took over the army.

That's because North Korea already work outsourcing Uranium by legal means, however, they receive their payment by means of more Uranium that they cannot Trade for food.


As for Russia = a $$$$retribution at developing a Trade Agreement for all this, as they stop bombing Ukraine. In the Trade Agreements, it should be decided that Russia would be moderator of amount$$ and types of transactions North Korea will be able to make once they are inserted, for North Korea not to lose Conservative Communist profile, management for which Russia would also have to be paid.

By running Rentbrella accordingly, the amount of stocks of oil and Uranium (gas and energy companies) will be correctly shared and divided, and the Peace Treaties in the Middle East might find a way to be reached.

(P.S.: Placebos were human clones at natural size. They were desprovided of the body senses. They were first created in labs in the I World War for shooting in the trenches as soldiers. All they knew was running, crawling, kneeling and shooting. The countries believed if they had more dead bodies in the enemy's  trenches they would be considered at won. The Human Rights, after the II World War, defended that was cruel, but we still don't know if those Placebos continue to be manufactured in labs. In the I World War the cities at War were Besieged too to give Placebos command to running, crawling, kneeling and shooting. The commands were given through back-page/background sound speakers. The command the Placebos heard when they were shot was of encouraging explosion of pleasure and stars giving life for their nation. If script codes at Besieged cities at War today remain to reproduce this type of encouragment towards attack, this could be the reason some fundamentalist feel 'joy' at watching bombs blow. To Inspect and deprogram the messages running in the back-page that induce people to behavior in their homes and in public places could lessen all types of the world urban violence) 
Some people believe most of nazis in Germany during the II World War were Placebos, including their Führer). 

Dreaming Higher,

Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes


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