Bits, data and Cryptocoins

 May 5th, BBC

In between the flashlights of Coronation Events, news about Data trafficking.

Every since Capitalism is more than just a lifestyle, big corporations and people in general will always exchange and hold personal information of population; be it our address and telephone in a resumé sent for a job, or in a subscription for a magazine, as at signing up to an e-Community.

The observation of our privacy at home is also an old issue to be addressed. This was made more official through COINTEILPRO -  and Mass Surveillance - , both programs used by FBI in the USA during the 1970's to observe activists in their private moments.

As for data:

Every information that can be considered an e-(in)formation can be called as data.

But it is not only about the fraud that criminals can perform by misusing your e-information/data.

Every data that can be exchanged by other data is a type of bit.

Every bit that can add value for money is a type of cryptocoin.

The cryptocoin add value in the stocks when they represent a layer of economy that already earns stocks that generate data.

Every cryptocoin there are, represent data that have been exchanged in terms of bits in the stock market, that belong to a layer of the market which stocks may overflow the material range of commodities or crops traded in the traditional ways.

The cryptocoin is a parallel system of money that adds value to every data of which bits can be ascertained by the stock market.

The Optical Fibers are an example of data exchange in terms of bits. The Optical Fibers' that add value for money are accounted for the Block Chains.

The power of ballast within the Cryptocoins is due when they are massively reinvested in other types of commodities rather than data itself, if that can ever be made possible.

Steady volatility within the Cryptocoins should be reached if data generators, be them in terms of technology itself (including internet, softwares, droners, robots, androids, and such AI) or even human generated, reaching a top notch status in the market, in the media and the urban interaction, once they would also add value for money straightfowardly throught the stock exchange fluctuation within the day. As data generators would accomplish a desirable, reachable and prestigious interaction with society as a whole, interaction with the "assembled" and with the 'self-considered' "data generators" - be them hi-tech, be them humans - will also bring digital and social inclusion to every population of the world - to the human citizens and to robot population, by turning ALL the data into different types of valuable bits in real time, equalizing the values of each Cryptocoin related in the end of the day = DIfut(?).

(everytime data turned into bits adds value for money to the Bit, because some data from general people may include what they consume = free adertising from people's habits. These bits are financially represented by Cryptocoins at the stock market. Which stocks more suits your lifestyle? Remember = Bitcoins represent our automobile, considering each car being unique as people, the cars also having a life spam, so Bitcoins value more and should be transacted less often. Besides, trading cryptocoin allows you to buy and sell different currencies according to volatility, but the aliquot of the Crypto traded rated best at each currency you are transacting)>

Thank you for reading

All my luv,

Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes



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