ThyssenKrupp AG

Kinda this:

The atmosphere is loaded with carbonic air, little oxygen. Indue, the hydraulic pipes were installed in the 1930's by the Firefighter Departments of Militar Police in Brazil, and ministered by SABESP. These pipes were bought and broaded by Lindt. If the Auction planned by just elected Governor of São Paulo - Tarcísio - the scents that are allowed by PROCON (the consumption regulator) are Aloe Vera Always (with pharmaceutical solutions for breathing and muscles), Above (for scents of wellness). These two scents finance the natural gas from Air Liquide - the gulp of fresh air.

Tubes and pipes were built by the Fire Fighter Militar Police Department in Brazil to inject scents and natural gas in the atmosphere in the 1930's by Otis technology. Similar pipes were targeted to the heat/calefaction in the USA.

The dust in the air of American homes due to calefaction increase need for natural gas.

Otis Worldwide, was company benefited by the Audit for hydraulic tubing and piping for natural gas in Brazil in the 1930's; they should be responsible for the pipes and tubes of natural gas in the Pacific, counterpart to ThyssenKrupp AG in the Atlantic and other parts of the world aside U.S. Pacific and Brazil. Otis Worldwide didn't cover all Brazilian territory, so Lindt is the current reponsible for the hydraulic tubing and piping in Brazil. We are waiting for Audit at SABESP (water and sewage company) ceding to Lindt 'bound to Above, Aloe Vera Always and Air Liquide.

Natural Gas availability runs toward oil consumption of a country. Traffic at ease and still flowing bring quality of air into the pipes and tubing. Cars need to run 24/7/365/60 within an accurate flow, propelling natural gas into the atmosphere and environments. The country China didn't participate in the automobile boom in the 1950's, and they compensate their Natural Gas consumption with outsourcing of dirty factories in their territory: the more natural gas they consume, the dirtier is their air. These factories harm global warming and ozone layer; Country China are heavy contributers with the capitalist West, and they want a way out.

Much luv,

Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes


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