
The conflict drags since 2014.

At that time Greece also participated.

Most of countries in Eastern Europe are Catholic Ortodox.. The Tithe is unbalanced. Russia's territory is enormous and majorly Trade with China in the Natural Gas company, due to pollution in China. There is no expansion in Trade for Russia thus. 

Russia's Tithe is the greatest revenue of all Eastern Europe.

Greece and the other countries from Eastern Europe have support from European Union. Greece has more support because of tourism. 

The inflation in Russia because of Tithe collected for Ortodox Church supposes that Russia should have a more aggressive participaion within the EU's stocks, even so they're communist..They retain great part of profit from the conflict in the Middle East, working as a moderator. They decide the amount of $$ weapons should be sold to Middle East in the name of oil sold to The USA (the uranium route from Arábia Saudita supports US nuclear plants and oil in Arabic stocks from Petrobrás. 

Ideally Brazil buys weapons and training for usage from the Middle East war and sell stocks of Rentbrella (enriched uranium) and oil arabic stocks from Petrobras to the USA.

The tv news Globo today announced new opression from the Taliban

The arabic oil retained by Russia because of harden to Trade with European Union TISEA causes inflation in the Middle East. But all Trade of Russia is natural gas to China. Russia need a participation in EU and TISEA, but not through Greece - their national revenue is too little.

Russia wants TISEA and EU, mostly after the Brexit.

Russia is willing to bring Ukraine to the Russian territory. Zelensky can't say if Russia would manage to keep nitrogen weapons, and satellite conducted war tanks safe from a nuclear war, as Ukraine has been keeping guarded safely for over a century, because Russia itself is moderating a war in the Middle East (Pakistan is at war with India for the same reason: Pakistan storages technological weapon and can't Trade otherwise). As US weapons are shed and not traded in Middle East, Russia can't explain figures for that war.

As for Zelenski, they say that they are culturally evolved, but not technologically. Russia amended saying they don't know if Ukraine's president is barelly representative. As for North Korea, they state they prefer to have a leader for that reason. 

North Korea sells uranium legally, but they are paid in terms of Uranium too. So, they build bombs as a representation of advanced technological studies. Studies which, they will only share with the other countries prompt to a safe participation in the Stocks, avoiding having their technology stolen..

The USA is paying-off Ukraine's debt. And they are discussing the possible means of helping Ukraine's Air Force. Ukraine seems to be stuck in time for a century, and the USA is afraid they won't adapt to technology.

 North Korea need a study of demographic density to understand the real size of their country. The idea of suspended lanes with vans and wi-fi seem to please them. This Civil Construction in North Korea would be financed by Russia (Caterpillar stocks), and North Korea would get stocks from Automobile Industry from Germany - an outcome from 1st and 2nd World War. I believe North Korea want to share their findings, but only upon a moderate participation in the stocks, not to be stolen in terms of hi-tech they hold. The talks should be financed by USA research in aerospace to pay-off Ukraine's Air Force.

Hostility of war that like bombs and compare bombs to firework and refuse to withdraw.



Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes

É a(l)uto-explicativo

Looking back to 2014 and the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the impact in the negotiations on Natural Gas between Russia and China:

- Russia is one of the major producers of natural gas of  the world, they provide China with their source of natural gas. 

- Greece, Ukraine and Russia are three Catholic Ortodox countries in Europe.

- The Tithe of Russia is the most generous, due to their size and the Natural Gas company.

- There was a competition for the Russia's Tithe, from the churches of the European side of the country, to overpay Greece and Ukraine and to colaborate with the trade balance of the EU.

Thus, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, to decide the amount should be of Eastern and Western Russia. The decision was made upon the amount of money for weapons Ukraine could purchase in a two-weeks basis, establishing therefore, the consume power of Ukraine. Due to heavy speculation in tourism, Greece didn't have to trench.

When it was set clear to UNO the reason of the conflict and its outcome, considering the percentage of the profit from the negotiations of natural gas that would go to Ukraine and Greece within the Ortodox Tithe of Europe, Russia was then entitled to manage the trade balance of weapons in the Middle East war. Due to the reason that the Middle East don't have a commercial appeal into products to trade, they have to deal into the weapons business in order to deal their oil. But a weapon is alike a drug, a GIP, or a prostitute: once you've paid (or was paid  for), you feel you must use, so they do it so. It is like they say: "Once you kill a cow, you've got to make a burger". (Why not to file the weapons? Or to grind with the tanks? - old ideas, always brand good)

Russia's duty now, along with UNO, so to receive their profit from the movie scripts they wrote to Blockbuster about all sorts of political and philosophical subjetcs in discussions during chess matches with Japanese computers (matches which were also played by North Koreans - communists as Russia - who produced good intellectual material and must have their profit from the movie scripts they've given as a warrancy that the World Bank and the TISEA could find them a position in the world's economical outcome, along with the amount of money is their due)
Their duty is to understand which countries from the Middle East is buying which types of weapons and at what time rate, and  from which countries each weapons enter the Middle East. The cataloguing of the weapons.

During the 80's, this job was made in collaboration with Brazil. There was a small department store in São Paulo called "Gloria", and the products had a logistic of filling as well as of displaying in the store. Each one of the products had a number code and each one of the shelves had a code letter. The products represented the helicopters and weapons from space race and the shelves represented where those weapons would go, so to make a fair trade balance.

Hare Krsna children with troubled families received information to pass on to the window dressers at Gloria - they filled document paper with codes matching the engines of helicopters for India and Israeli army; the kids informed the sellers about the lecture they learned at the Hare Krisna farm, the name of the imported products they've heard, and at which stories the product engines were reported, while they decided which toy they wanted from the store, every time they returned home from the Hare Krsna farm (reason - Hare Krsna are Indian and the helicopters' engines were disposed by India and Israeli army: they should'nt be launched at the same time, avoiding a war. The products at "Gloria" were disposed by codes in document paper filling that  that represented each army engine)

My considerations and devotion to the man who stole my heart from my chest and placed in in his mind. He was a window dresser and because this profession wasn't recognized at that time, he didn't have his job legally registered in the CLT booklet, so he couldn't explain his nosy, jealous, envy, intruder family why he received 5 minimum wages to organize shelves, once he wasn't registered and couldn't get an extra percentage from his work (to explain the wage). The colonel, his uncle, tortured him, and left him unnassisted in an abandoned car. The colonel's daughter, his cousin Maria Inês, interrogated him all along, and she always ended the psychological torture by saying: "We want to know why they've chosen you".

I'll tell you - in the 60's and 70's, the eletric eletronic engineers and technicians in Brazil were motivated to build the prototypes of manuals that were translated by the intellectuals in SP. These prototypes were smaller parts of engines that belonged to the helicopters of India and Israeli army. This man was inspired to change the protoypes  manuals, and along with the device, he would send a suggestion of eletronic device. Many electricians did that and most of them ended up in Casa de Detenção Carandiru, that was built to embezzle the patents of these electricians, as soon as China was inserted in the market for selling those products, post Communism. My man saw many of his friends going through the detention, accused of drug abuse, supposedly under dope whilst creating electronic prototypes.

During the 60's-70's, the South Koreans believed they had a niche for selling those products and they intefered the sound system of the city (Voxy through phone), by buzzing the electrician's work about the purpuse of that device within the remote communication in their homes. The Koreans didn't understand that the manuals would be developed, and they would be available to translate them if they bought the patent. They also manipulated the militars to torture the intellectuals who translated the manuals and also torture the foreigners with whom those intellectuals would speak on the phone overnight.

When the patents started to be sold, Koreans got united with China to end the Communist regime there, and place a commercial coup against Brazil, using the influence from detective companies (which during the dictatorship period promoted the singers of the Festivals, and created fake companies: when there are investigations about an old dated crime, they find a way to punish a citizen who's about to receive an amount of money due to an old "gig", through an actual job in the present time. They punish either through jail, death, gambling, prostitution or psychiatric hospital. Then, they promote another artist to embezzle the money that belong to the victm. They are Pirates, so.

Currently this Pirating is attacking us in two areas:

1 - Aerospace: we have an astraunat and a Space Basis in Alcântara, Maranhão. But the researches for Aerospace is developed heavily in South Korea by their High Schools and Universities. 

2- Prothesis and Orthesis: The studies of Para olympic sports are a responsibility of Ibirapuera Gymnasium and the funding of such reasarches are from AACD, by SBT in Brazil. The original project was a responsibility of the Axé in Bahia. The prothesis are not developed by Koreans, but by Americans, Germans and Japanese. The songs that the Koreans develop are very disturbing and the enviroment sensors that capture the movements generate odd prothesis and orthesis. WE, BRAZILIANS are the ones paying for this - through AACD, so I don't see a reason why not the Axé to develop the moves for the reasearch. This, would create outter investment for our inner market for hotels, tourism and tournaments, once the Axé is a beach style of shaky music. Also, the Axé music is a mescle of electronic and drums, thus, more organic moves than electronic k-pop.

(moreover, it's further. After this story was written at https://tarafatosefilosofia, it was disclosed that FIDICs (script generated from Popular Jury in Middle East, such bloody crimes, are reproduced in Brazil's GAIP (generator alternator ID) at our own crimes happening here in Brazil. FIDICs should be traded with Cuba and Australia, mild real-life stories, but they are brought from the Middle East - true bloodshed. After victims are attacked in poor communities, induced by scripts of bloody FIDICs in their GAIP, the absurb of decaptations and amputations are surreal, and criminals don't pay their crimes; we then "recycle" these FIDICs, selling them to South Korea, that suffer with this loathsome within k-pop, such researches for factoring nanotechnology (technology that changes DNA), prosthesis and orthesis of limbs, amputated by FIDICs we re-sell).

Also, I reject Hospital Paulistano that kidnaps and places falsity identity of handicap in healthy people so to finance AACD funding through K-POP demand.




what about - the financing of our space researches, that repsents our austrounat, is negotiated in exchange with the funding of the South Korea for k-pop. Because truly, they are really talented for technology skills, and the prothesis are not developed with their technology - but German and Japanese. They would continue to dance the cool dancing, as a symbol of friendly negotiation, but OUR Axé, Kenya Maasai tribal jumping and the Argentinian Zumba would be material for reimbursed reaserch of the Para Olympics sports in Ibirapuera Gymnasium in SP within commercial trade. Koreans are welcome to help coreography of Zumba and Axé in Argentina and Brazil, in my opinion.

AND ALSO - that too, to start the negotiations between South Korea and the USA about the subject above, to decide the amount of money from our Aerospace that will go to them and to North Korea, so to liberate the North Korean movie scripts from the stocks of Blockbuster to be produced by the USA with the collaboration of China for the reimburse of their satellites which are being used by Brazil and Argentina in the dealling of the GIPs jobs under GAIP (generator alternative ID) in São Paulo and Buenos Aires, for the jobs of detectives and city extra not paying off debt for hi-tech assistancy from China are generating a leak in the trade agreement between China and the Mercosur.)


Thais Moraes 


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