With open eyes we see the picture of the world. This picture has many pieces. The amount of pieces we can see in this picture at a time, that forms the whole is up to 299 792 458 pieces per second for visual people. The single piece has a form, with particles which are seen by the iris, and the whole of each close-up frame also has a form. So, if we see a living room: a sofa, 2 chairs, the brick floor, a coffee table and a picture on the wall, we are dividing this picture by up to 299 792 458 parts per second before we move to a next close-up framing of images which is also divided by 299 792 458 per second. It is a matter of eye focal distance. Each one of the pieces in a frame we see has a form and so does the whole. If you look at this living room, all you will notice are some furniture, but if you look with the same eyes through a window from a tall building, you'll be aware of much more. This is why I state that the same way we can see smoke, ashes, grass or the heat evaporating at real time at a steaming road on a very hot day, we can also see the air with our bare eyes, we can see small particles.

Though we are aware of our body as a whole, we are only concerned about certain parts of it at a time (but there is a part of our minds which is concerned about the whole at once at all times). It is possible to be concerned about up to 299 792 458 particles of the body per second, and it is also possible to divide smaller parts of the body in our minds, such as a vertebra or a nail, up to 299 792 458 cells per second, though this is very difficult.
This division of molecules, cells and atoms which our brains can make per second can be called DISENTENGLEMENT OF PARTICLES UNDER THE HUMAN EYE.
The number 299 792 458 is the speed of light, the velocity light travels through space and also the light generated by a motor vehicle while moving under the speeding limit when filmed by a shooting camera at night (see Nigeria X Brazil at this blog).

The same way we divide the framing we see into smaller parts, and that our body has a shape as a whole as well as it has smaller parts too, the Universe that we see and that we are inserted in also has a form, and a shape as a whole. This shaped Universe is expanding to an outer limit. This outer limit (God) becomes the Universe itself once it has expanded onto It. So, God is within the Universe which it is expanding Onto Him.

(This is a theory, not concept and it is open for discussion, as well as the numbers presented)

Tara, SP - 2013


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