Creative idleness

 Shall we classify individuals that spend most of their lives as spare time, and use it to desconstruct proactiveness in society as terrorists?

Once negativity upheld by their actions leave the civilians in despair, creative idleness is not by any terms to be considered as regarded by them.

If not too harsh of a punishment, should people who use IT systems to destroy other people, our cities and our computer programs, known as "hackers" (and at memorial times known as "vodoo witchers"/macumbeiros) be transformed into contributers of fixing and building new systems. Still, strict surveillance must be provided, not to engender them into a level of risk, due to old habits of dishonesty.

This change of mindset implies reshaping the interests people have. Usually it is necessary to break a mob apart. But most importantly, work within each member of the mob to change their priorities and switch their values. Firstly, the rehabilitation process must detect which conditions of survival is most important to them, and teach them a substitutive one, to replace the harming lifestyle.

The substitutive lifestyle shall never harm someone else, specially not the target person (or group of people), for evil not to continue to sustain the mob against the same (and new) targets.

The means of retribution must be always in terms of leisure. That leisure must not include personal relationships.


Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes


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