A quadrilha da miliciana Régis pratica importação de armas cortantes, lentes de desfiguração molecular e zoofilia para chips/GIPs de nanotecnologia, invasão de domicílio, cobrança indevida de aluguel em bairros de Conselho Tutelar, tráfico de drogas, sequestro de jovens da Fundação Casa para fins de formação de quadrilha (empresas GNVIO, GSR e Mary Help). Peço que saiam da minha propriedade, ou enviarei este e-mail ao Cidade Alerta, ao Primeiro Impacto e ao Datena.

 A cláusula do Investimento ao INSS que data Agosto/2021, exige que as famílias financiadas pelo Investidor estejam fora do mesmo endereço do Investidor, para evitar constrangimento para o financiador do Investimento.

(a investidora reside à casa 4 do número 252 da Rua Caroli**** Roq***. O descumprimento desta cláusula exige devolução com 5% de juros aos cofres Norte Americanos).

O Investimento foi resultado da Amortização pelo golpe de Michelle/Angélica/Joelma/Cláud*** Rai***/miliciano Régis contra os cofres nacionais e internacionais. A Investidora, lesada pelos crimes da agiota e de suas cúmplices, ressarciu os Governos através de reembolso à Investidores de Nova Iorque, Conselho Tutelar de São Paulo e INSS.

Tudo o que a Investidora exige é a proteção de seu endereço contra essa milícia formada por cerca de 6 mulheres que extorquem os pais dos filhos dela, através de drogas, GIPs de nanotecnologia de zoofilia, prostituição e tráfico de próteses no mercado negro, através de agiotagem.

Britney Spears - Depoimento legendado

.....if they just knew that the "lady" who gave Britney the medication for 8 years was the same lawyer who had sued Britney for making high donations to NGOs, under the allegation that crazy people don't have awareness of money flow (Britney is one the richest people on earth. It is no one's business if she uses her money to help the poor and needy). This same lady sent pakistanese sausage-cut razors to her house, reason of which Britney was removed by ambulance with a deep cut on the foot. In the hospital, this woman (lawyer) performed as a "nurse" and adminisrated high dosage medication, leaving Britney unconscious for 3 days. The medication had an acid that destroyed a part of Brtitney's teeth in the back on her mouth. Brtiney went to South America to have her teeth fixed, away from the papparazzis.

In this testimony, Birtney argues on saying that she doesn't want to stay in the same house as that woman, and that she is already living in another State, away from the papparazzi and momentarily away from the stages (because the same "lady" blackmailed and invaded Britney's studio, and stole Brtiney's music beat files to give to a Brazilian artist called Pitty). Britney is scared because the "lady" has knocked on the neighbors' door four times in the past month, to ask for more money. This same lady input the conservatorship into Britney.

Britney alleges that she doesn't want to go back to stages soon, because the holder of the conservatorship is stealing her music, forcing her into heavy medication (that harms her performance) and sending weapons to her house. Besides, whenever Britney is hurt by the holder of the conservatorship, this lady sends the tutor's/lawyer's Brazilian daughter "Amanda 802, resident in Sao Paulo - Brazil", to do the concerts - and Amanda fails to accomplish the dance moves.

Britney is clearly being blackmailed by this lady/lawyer/nurse/"tutor" and she wants out of showbusiness, if that's the reason of the harass. This woman uses nanotechnology GIPs to change her identity illegaly, and stalks Britney since the singer was 11 years old.

Britney avoids alcohol and other substances since started her treatment. She feels better that way, and she believes that she will be healthier away from showbusiness, because of offers of such substances. Nevertheless, she wants to have enough money to take care of her children, her dogs, and her personal affairs -  as well as volunteer work and NGOs - compatible revenue to what her meritocracy deserves, which she has not received. Still, she prefers not to perform, because when she is on tour, she is blackmailed, hurt, offered drugs, and gets no payment either.

If conservatorship is applied in the USA, the money of citizens is delegated to big Organizations, family MOBs, or the State, and the artist is unable to contribute with taxes. This alone qualifies Communism and the USA is a FREE COUNTRY. FREE BRITNEY AND ADD HER TO THE PATH OF N. anonymous, if she has the sincere hope to join!



Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes


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