TECNS**** headquarters?

What's up with you TECN****?

You come to my house to "treat me"

and your girlfriend becomes worried.

She asks you in the remote

"Quem está com você?"

(Who is with you?)

RealDoll Barbie thinks it's with her

and because she is a slut

she says in his remote:

"Ken, fuck this girl's ass now

say any shit and get your hell out of there

before the MIB steal your grill"

You arrive home and your supervisor say

they won't disclose your name to the Polícia Federal

but you are fired because you are a rapist.

You say you didn't receive training and you didn't know how to procede

They say you were fired anyways and 2 minutes later 6 MIB enter your house and take all your tools.

You had paid for your Tools with 10% of your salary.

You cry, saying you needed the job

Jontele asks why he needed the money so badly, their home was not expensive rent, only for them two.

In tears, TECN*** says he was planning to take her to Búzios in April to take a picture at B.B.beach

because he had bought her this 'thing' (he was crying, man) - and showed her the ring

Jontele says he wasn't serious 

because he was never home, 

she said that he thought that a tool for disentangling inflammatory nerves 

was meant to thrust in the pussy

She was in tears too.

They had a banho de chuva "Rain shower" - (2) Vanessa da Mata - Ai Ai Ai (Felguk & Cat Dealers Remix) - YouTube

when the couple cry together batendo D.R., no sex, no "peeing", no lol, just discuss

(discussion the relationship) - well, when you are lucky, the D.R. ends in lol.

He said he thought she was asking him to do that and rush home

She said that was "Barbie" not her, and that she bet that was the slut "patient" asking to thrust deeper, and that she didn't think he was so stupíd.

Then she asked him to leave the house

because she was already dating a group of Hustlers

who she chose and paid with the profit of the money 

from the contracts she sold

for the translations

of the machines

he used to be unfaithful.

Those Hustlers were the ones "treating her nerves"

and as she was loyal she preferred to have 4 or 5 

than to be with only one date.

He said he was doing the same

and they should forgive each other

She said they would continue to do so,

and because she cared for him she wanted him to please get out of the house.

Get out of my house now Wolv*** Tul***!

(te dão o nome do cara que querem pegar, soltam ele para esses bairros nojentos ou para uma delegacia, e te jogam na Polícia Federal)

I don't care who you are.

Stay away from my bed

from my chair

from my sink

from my door

and from my body

If you are the rapist doctor

you may know that

Amanda from apartment 802

used to say she was the Ginecologist from the public Posto de Saúde 

and she entered my house in the middle of the night to rape me

by saying that it was my Pap smear remembering.

Faz isso de outro lugar, então, porque eu já tenho minha própria equipe de hustlers, vão chegar quando eu chamar, outro dia. E cansei desses seus Metralhas "Hel****, Held**** e o terceiro "laranja Priolim" se fazendo de Lâmpada de cabeceira do papanicolau da Vila Zilá - Colégio Priolim (ms-dos1991.blogspot.com , antes do Colégio, o desvio de verba era feito pelo Mercado Tulha - Tara Philosophy and Such: A gema e as galinhas dos ovos de ouro da rinha de galo (tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com)

(Deixei bem claro: parente não! Vocês me mandam dois enteados, três tios, dois primos, e mais alguns antigos "colegas da firma que abaixava as calças dos professores na sala de aula", ainda a professora da mesma escola, que quer me dar um beijo na boca desde a época do teatro da Vila São Bento, seu filho menor de idade que entra na minha casa fantasiado com a roupa da Disney e o pinto prá fora, e sua colega da área Comercial da escola que quer fazer swing no apartamento ao lado. Já tá todo mundo sabendo, minha irmã tentou me avisar porque a cunhada dela que mora nas Perdizes comprou um Pato Donald de geladeira para avisar que estavam roubando meus ovos para fazer Bife à Cavalo. 

Tá difícil pagar homem decente pra se prostituir prá gente, hein?)

Stay away from me Mr Intentional!

Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes


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