Freeco - right to take a shit whenever I wish, because it smells to flowers.

 dear Ken-grill

you say you want me to take a shit

you want to feel the methane

from my pooh

'cause by learning that people thought you were gay

you found out they say

gay fucking is methane

People think you want to have sex

but really, you want to sleep

You once speculated

whenever we rest

and someone said:

"after we have sex"

They played the Tiradentes game

once upon a time

they were hung and dismembered

up to the teeth

But their GIPs were sustained

onto other people's bodies after a forgiveness - Reach (7+2, 8x9 - 888, 999 or 666?) (

who had been incriminated for other crimes previously

to live with the GIP os the death row in less severe countries

as means to purify karma of the previous GIP.

that's why terrorist places behead

or shoot

under INTERPOL's sight seen -

the only way to make these walking dead

quit reproducing the last moment's GIPs

of the death row happening in the recent days

and placing in the RealDolls

that enter our homes.

The ass is mine 

I take a shit whenever I wish

Dafiti is shit by mailman

shit under demand

Misfit is shit on the radio

song for timming of taking a crap

Gympass is shit by lacraia/Gangue das loiras/Ku Klux klan

they want to give you a hint of the time methane may come

in the air

and Freeco

is "I refuse to do methane

by your saying

but I will whenever I want"

If at least your TECNS**** understood

we would have the right of the protection they enable

instead of the Bom-ar inside the toilette.

Quit it please, stop raping me, if you continue to thrust a stick in our pussies to make us go to the restroom, the Ken Grill will never stop being produced. If you want to use them as a gate to Mexico border, send it right the caribbeans and put it on cargills to the destination. Be careful not to face the Kens to the field, or they may as well march onto the sound of the soundsystem and make the calcullus of the limit time of production of the ken grills not to disturb the logic of production of new robots, by using this project as a way of reviewing and recyling old conclusions (Buy the cargill's diesel from Petrobras, and Trade de cargills from Germany, because they love sausage)

By the way: The ultravioleta stick is for dettach one nerve from the other when they are entangled in the arm, shoulders, hips and knees, to avoid amputation. It causes numbness and heat for maintaining it in the place. It is a physioteraphy tool for doctors, and I don't know who enticed people to use it undercover for thrusting in our pussies. They might be listening to Barbie.

You are embezzling tools from the public hospitals.

(querida colega da Konecta Outsourcing, Cássia. Eu me recordo de você, queria que você soubesse que o emaranhamento de nervos nos braços é algo que pode ser causado por terroristas que tentam remover o braço, ao tentar saber se é uma prótese ou não. Espero que você continue saudável, como da última vez que te vi)

Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes

GIP - Tara Philosophy and Such: GIP - WIG - TIM - LIG (


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