Market of prosthesis and orthosis - a profitable field

Namaskar Ratinadish!

Some news from South America, to derive from the complaints about the rebel margiis in my condo - for a change!

It follows below:

 O preço (


Please read links above.


Men and women from Haiti were victims of the earthquake in 2010.

Brazilian army took action in Haiti and Brazil received many Haitian people.


Some of them were hurt and they received prosthesis and orthosis to heat this Market along to AACD.


K-pop increased research along with robotics and human movements to develop new prostheses by that period.


Some men and women from Haiti weren’t satisfied with the career plan available for them and Brazil, and they were attracted to other countries in South America.


Such countries offered some Jobs in the sales area. Money was attractive, but the employers removed the prosthesis and orthosis given by Brazil and sold in the illegal Market of their cities.


Apparently, the countries wanted to carve Market in the field of wine and services to Trade with Brazil. Nevertheless wine is supposed to be sold in high demands to Argentina, Uruguay, and other countries of South America, except Brazil. Brazil has a Trade of wine with Portugal. Services from countries in South America are limited to percentual of cattle other countries from Mercosur can negotiate on their own, around the world, and that’s related to the meat they can consume.



I saw a friend called Woold***, from Haiti in the subway today. I met him in Brazil in 2015. He had recently been abroad, in another country in South America, for 5 years. He responded to me today by the name of “Miguel”.


I met him in 2015 walking, as a rehabilitated man. Today he was in a wheelchair, under other ideology. I asked him if he preferred to be an athlete (he plays tennis at the club as a wheelchair athlete) or a rehabilitated pedestrian, to which he answered: “I have been rehabilitated.....and now I am in the wheelchair playing tennis”


For all it seems, his prothesis were removed, he was given a wheelchair, and a new Brazilian name – with original Brazilian documents.


Please read link at the top of the article.


Many Haitians in Brazil were assisted by Social Workers from the Government and relocated to cities where they could study, learn portuguese, and work in factories. Many have graduated.




If criminal Organizations in other countries are responsible for attampting against rehabilitated people and placing them back in wheelchairs, that’s truly negative for Brazil because we won’t get our share in prothesis and orthesis in the agreement with Unesco (concerning Haitit).


Besides, opposing the belief that many of these terrorists think, the Trade Agreements (wine, services and such), with Brazil won’t increase if we have to uphold demand for prosthesis and orthosis. It is the opposite: if we lose the prosthesis for which we already have rehabilitated, we need to pay twice as much: for the old and the new reehabilitation. The demand for Military prosthesis and orthosis don’t get to us then either. Thus, there is a decrease in the remains of the Country revenue, separated for Trade with cellars and winery and imported tobacco (cigars, etc)


The intent of this post is an awareness towards the Trade Balance of winery in South America, specially concerning the sales and distribution of wine from Chile.


Truly yours,


Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes - Tara/SP




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