Jesus boy in Mary's arms

I have a doubt

Has any images or paintings shown evidence that Jesus boy was breast fed by the Blessed Mother?

This Image is the first portray we have of the Blessed Virgin. It was drawn by Saint Lucas: 

Jesus is in Mary's arms and there are two angels: one offers an unkown provision, and the other offers a Sacred duty. Jesus looks to The Father's angel.

There are two possible interpretations to this mistery: 

1 - Jesus in the Desert (whilst still being supported by Blessed Mother (He is still in her arms), He goes out to meditate about the Purpose of the Father for His life as a productive Man. He is tempted by the devil, but during all the three temptations (the crossings in the stack), He sees nothing but Salvation (the answers that deliver Him from evil).


2 - Jesus refuses food from natural sources whilst He was a child, as means to seek independance, to find the Father's provision, that would become the answer for famine in the human society.

or still....

I want to know:

are there evidences at any image or paintings that portray and explain if Jesus boy was breast fed?

Please.....Thank you in advance.


Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes


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