K-pop on adjustment and Seoul's stocks momentarily jeopardized

 Japan Stock Market Index (JP225) 31949.890  +348.240 (+1.10%)

Hong Kong Stock Market Index (HK50) 17664.120  +433.530 (+2.52%)

Market Summary > KOSPI - Seoul

2,368.34+25.22 today
The discrepancy between these three Asian stocks pending down to Seoul's, could be pointed out at K-pop marketas preponderant at prosthesis and orthesis research.Dancers and singers at K-pop musicare predominantly prosthesis implant rehabThey dance to research movements for new types of prosthesis and orthesisThis is a Trade Deal South Korea has with JapanThat supports South Korea's Outter Space researches which are resposible for hi-tech and automobile industry in South Korea.Thus, K-pop is much more important than only entertaiment,which alone has a major role in the showbusiness. 

More recently, K-pop's highly successful researches with lower members of the body (legs and tighs)have been put aside for a while,and arms + hands have been on the spot for the new findingsHowever, the archetype of arms and hands being used is not in perfect syncronismwith the outstading performance of the legs and feet

This new trend at researches for K-popmight have been responsiblefor most recent lowering at Seoul's stockswhich decreased the demands for production of prosthesis in Japan
This moment is for excitment and inventions for the choreographers in South KoreaAnd they have been improving greatly!)
(the latest choreographies triedfor their specific kind of musichad been considered a little too outdatedin terms of movesbecause the music they performexpects more folding swings using arms and forearmsand lots of twists with the elbow and wrists articulationA good idea would also be download files of guitar and piano playing researchesfor prosthesis and orthesis onto your own prosthesis.I just researched these video clips by HKT48 from Japan. Do you like?They might spring some ideas. Practicing these choreographies may help too.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-gTfa2hO0o&list=RDEM_B_AKRuLnOtYRPKDQTwswg&start_radio=1https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gMAun5RyZA&list=RDEM_B_AKRuLnOtYRPKDQTwswg&index=2https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI20JvHedIs&list=RDEM_B_AKRuLnOtYRPKDQTwswg&index=3
other japanese girl pop dance groups would also help at practicing the choreographiesSome Japan girl groups are very alike K-pop and I got the feeling that they really want to join into K-pop's contributing for music and trends.
all my luv,
Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes


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