Water from Brazil

Do bottled water that USA buy from Mexico (Atacama) come from the Niagara falls in Canada? Canada has greater margin in the NAFTA than Mexico, so there is an obvious disavantage for them, once Mexico is on the top of this negotiation.


- South Korea manufacture ships to bring frozen fish from Amazon to Japan.

- Japan sell Brazilian fish, soy and grains to Escandinavia.

- China sells Brazilian grains only to USA (trade war)

- Mexico sells Brazilian overflowing water to the NAFTA.

- Canada gets their usual +++margin from NAFTA plus a competitive percentage from the transaction for water, because of ALASKA and the whales (Alaska vs Japan)

- Mexico earns a plus+ at enabling their citiens for qualifying for a working permit visa at NAFTA through Canada - New York/entrance

The USA have wished to do business with Brazilian water, along with other agribusiness, and that was the primary goal of Mercosur. However, without the help of Mexico - the Latin part of the NAFTA - that has been made impossible. 

If the USA don't close their borders to illegal immigration, the taxes not accounted by the Latin area of the NAFTA make these Trade negotiations unfeasible.


Water in the USA is mostly expensive.

In Brazil, it is not so cheap either.

But some agreements from importers and exporters have amazed me.

The cheapest 500ml sparkling water bottle at DIA Supermercado costs 2,79 reais, around U$0.50.

But the owner of the brand DIA has an agreement with BFB Participações S.A., licensed under CNPJ 14545301/0001-05, arrended by Pluriaqua Ind. e Com. de Bebidas Eireli, licensed under CNPJ 14.629.951/0001-59

The Place of the fountain is in Cotia. It is referred as San Francisco fountain, and the bottle of mineral water sets for 1,39 reais, 0.08U$ for 500ml.

As for the stats, a famous Brazilian politician, with residency in Florida from 1992-2006, might be able to provide curious minds with details on the Comex of water fountains in Brazil.


Thais Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes


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