2 Presidents

 I am saying a few words about Joe Biden.

But first, I want to mention my feelings towards the situation concerning the accusations against Donald Trump.

It is an ungrateful insanity to ignore the solutions approached by the former President of the USA:

- Denuclearization agreement with North Korea (first talks)

- Removal from U.S. troops in Syria

- Understandings with Iran

- Constant visits to Russia, negotiating the Middle East situation on demand of ammunition from the U.S.

- End of Trade War with positive asset to the U.S.

- Project Dragon by NASA, putting a definite end to the Cold War and setting a determination for the end of Trade War too

If not admiting a won to Donald Trump, at least provide him numbers of a leap over the votes assigned to him, so to place an advantage considering support against the Impeachment.


About Joe Biden.

He's smooth, calm, gentle and wise. So it seems.

I think he will be an old style linger kind of President, slow to show the way he actually feels and think, so to observe the whole picture and manage the little details upon the service of his people and of their Commercial Partners on a broad service onto reaching the whole world's needs and covering as many places as possible on the face of earth.

Truly yours,

Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes


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