
Mostrando postagens de dezembro, 2023


 PIX was created for people overseas to financially aid or pay freelancers from other countries. The idealization was a central platform online with the codes of all Banks regularly registered in the Central Banks of all countries in the world for people to access and make PIX only by typing the code the beneficiary maintain at their bank. As no country prontified to assign, Whatsapp created the money logo, which serves for paying people, but it hasn't been enabled in many countries yet either. The idealization of PIX was taking a kind of economy to islands where money don't exist yet. When US soldiers and priests from the Catholic Church find these places, they should be able to stablish some kind of postal system, so to set a location to the place, and the Banco Postal (a Bank linked to the Central Bank of the colonizer - in the case of distant islands or to the Central Bank of the same country, linked by the Post Office) would allow these new countries to have a code at the ...

Bloomberg Taiwan Decides - A Special Report, December 28th 2023

 Taiwan is deciding for new President They portrayed Taiwan at Bloomberg tonight as a serious chip producer, the greatest in the world. The chips are the eletronic semiconductors that are installed into the computers, robots and machines in the factories and Government Departments; in these chips the digital information of the whole production, system or project is stored. Joe Biden refuses to pay for the semiconductors, known in manufacturing as chips, because Biden thought the chips were nanotechnology/alias/change of physical appearance=ID, and he claimed the USA is a free country, thus the USA produce their own nanotechnology. Taiwan is the press in China, the intellectuals. Chinese spoken in China is very simple. Chinese spoken in Taiwan is Highly complex, and when translated into English subtitles, it is very well explained, though extremely difficult to assemble. China believes that it is safer for Taiwan to maintain as Communist, because USA and Japan would try to steal tec...

Greece = England's slush fund on Brazil, China and USA's expenses. (Continuation from "Gaza", previous article earlier today)

 England states on Trade Agreement they wrote that Brazil owe money on technology to China (which we pay through usage of alias/nanotechnology from SAMSUNG).  In this same Trade Agrement, England states that the money China has is USA's because of Trade War.  And further, in the same document, England warns that they colonized America, so the money from the transaction belongs to England. England allege they are responsible for supporting Australia because they sent all their homeless to live there in the past, and at the time of this Trade Agreement they argued this was the reason England couldn't share the money they STEAL from the USA, China and Brazil with EU. England don't support Australia at all, and send the money to Greece, using them as England's slush fund. Greece have no Trade Agreements, no health system be it public or private, and no economy but tourism and no one is really interested to go there besides the same Europeans that travel by car and don't...


  An attack was reported by Israel on 12/10/2023 In real, they wanted to know why stocks were below 24 in England's Market. Below, I explain why. So Israel made rumours of war in the Gaza Strip and they should be punished for that because it has been decided that no one should revoke peace in the Gaza Gaza is as it has always been Israel has their army, which is compulsory even for women to participate And Palestine has the Hamas. So once again Israel start rumours of war for the conflict that already exists there normally to try to jeopardize the economy and "push the International Community against the wall" And they push USA army to invade the Middle East What provoke crisis in the provision of oil and uranium for nuclear plants in the whole world Killing millions of people Israel wanted a simple information about the stock market But instead of investigating through fair means Israel speculated through threats of counter attacking against rumours of war at Gaza Israel...

Taiwan and TSMC

 President of Greece refuses to coment on Greece's Health System tonight. It might be because they don't have one. ---- Taiwan was cogitated as seller of Samsung's/China products on digital inclusion to islands of Pacific and Vietnam, Singapore, The Phillippines and Thailand. Althought, Taiwan is still set behind in terms of digital inclusion. TSMC is main Taiwan semicondutor manufacturer Trading with the USA nowadays  They manufacture all types of chips that go into big machines and computers, mostly that operante in factories. In those chips there are all the digital information of the product that the machine is going to manufacture thus. Ignorant Politicians thought the chip they produce was the "alias", that is - the temporary change on physical characteristics and ID, because in Brazil we popular named this gadgets as "chip". In Brazil, the legislation at portability's law is named as GIP. The local Police name it as GAIP. Science name it as na...


2 - Ao redigir o Acordo Comercial, os EUA assinalará o valor em empréstimo pelo World Bank, e não ao FMI, como foi comum para o Brasil se utilizar deste fundo até recentemente. O FMI é um Fundo emergencial para momentos ISOLADOS de crise, uma forma de repasse limitada, e não para empréstimos. Para obter esse repasse do FMI, é  necessário pedir a verba para o G-20, que estabelecerá o valor permitido. Aos países somente é permitido depositar, ou seja, investir no FMI. O país que saquear o FMI sem permissão do G-20 perderá a vantagem em todos Acordos Comerciais redigidos pelos EUA e será obrigado a devolver o valor retirado com correções e juros. -  SDGs, Global Goals - World Bank ( Atenciosamente, Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes

Descubra aqui o que é FIP - para os agentes de economia do Governo

 FIP  Os Fundos de Investimento em Participações (FIPs), na prática mais conhecidos como Fundos de Private Equity ou Venture Capital, são uma comunhão de recursos destinados à aplicação em companhias abertas, fechadas ou sociedades limitadas, em fase de desenvolvimento. Cabe ao administrador constituir o fundo e realizar o processo de captação de recursos junto aos investidores através da venda de cotas.  Os tipos de FIP são: Capital semente; Empresas emergentes; Infraestrutura (FIP-IE) e Produção Econômica intensiva em Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (FIP-PD&I); Multiestratégia. Fonte: Google Portanto, o acionista residente em território nacional deve apresentar aos seus gerentes/investidores, de seus respectivos Bancos Internacionais, sobre quais setores eles tem desejo de investir (por se apresentarem promissores no ...

Sequestro de artista pela Congregação Cristã no Brasil

 Crentes da Congregação me sequestraram e também ao Supla a quem eles batizaram a força em 1986, extorquiram o dinheiro do pai dele Eduardo Suplicy, e deram a ele uma identidade de "Marcelo do Lauzane", nos estupraram e nos espancaram e deixaram esta foto no meu celular para me ameaçar o latrocínio pelo roubo do mesmo. Essa foto é do apartamento da minha tia Claudia Soraya, cunhada do Marcelo do Lauzane. Claudia Soraya cumpre prisão domiciliar por usurpação, ao se passar por mim em um prêmio Norte-Americano pelo meu blog e declarar a conta bancária dela para o pagamento milionário. Na mídia, Claudia Soraya usou os contatos de Supla e usa o nome de Claudia Leite, Mariana Ximenes, cantora da MPB Maria Rita e Astrid Fontenelle. Vocês querem receber meu dízimo/coleta milionária que paga a "Obra da Piedade" de vocês. Mas se eu morrer ou for lesada por causa da sua igreja eu não vou pagar mais. Fiquem longe de mim para sempre bandidos da CCB. Família crente - paguem o que...

Harmonização de casais

  Bom dia Hostel Aqui é a Thaís Britney Nós vamos conversar neste email sobre a harmonização para casamentos na Coréia do Norte, que é o motivo de eles se recusarem a deixar de ser Comunistas. Primeiramente, peço desculpas pelo mal jeito nesta redação, porque como vocês sabem, estou enfrentando um momento de muita dificuldade com o tratamento de saúde, que inclusive, vocês me ajudam a pagar e pelo qual sou eternamente grata. Eu estou escrevendo inclusive, para dizer que eu estou me sentindo muito melhor esta semana, e que tenho muita vontade de conhecer vocês, especialmente o Wong, de verdade um dia desses, já que todas as vezes que nos encontramos, eu estava com meu "jeito famoso" = chip/GIP(Gadget Identity Point, de acordo com a lei da Portabilidade -  https://ms-dos1991.blogspot. com/2023/01/gip-wig-tim-lig. html/ GAIP (Gerador de Alteração de Identidade Provisória), e quando estou assim, nunca me lembro do que aconteceu direito, porque sou caolha e somente enxergo de ...