
Mostrando postagens de novembro, 2023

Site do Nube terrorista

O site do nube me pediu um telefone válido enquanto eu tentava descadastrar devido a múltiplos acessos e ligações inconvenientes em momento de trabalho. Também começaram a assediar minha família para dizer que eu atendia o telefone o dia todo, então não devia estar estudando, e também não estava interessada nas vagas, então sou "vagal". Tenho 40 anos, só para vocês saberem E isso se trata de assédio moral então eu dei um número antigo, do meu pix e eles continuaram mandando mensagens neste número, ligando de outros números diferente do que eles ligam de dia, para ameaçar dizendo coisas do tipo: "A gente já não te descadastrou? Por que continua falando mal da gente por aí? Você vai se fuder mais ainda viu?" E desligam. Acho que são eles, pois assim que me descadastrei por assédio moral de mais de 8 ligações por dia para passar vagas, sendo que apenas uma ligação é necessária, começaram a me ligar com essas ameaças  e também porque me mandaram 2 vezes a endereços que ...

k-pop advances on the girls researches on arms and hands' movements and the appropriate shoe industry

  flat shoes  dolly shoes  ballet pumps  ballet sneakers  ballet slipper  ballet shoe rubber sneakers street shoes whatever deal China is bringing to female shoe business for k-pop in South Korea, That's not so efficient as the latest advances in k-pop researches According to k-pop researches on movements of the body for new prosthesis and orthesis which support a great part of South Korean economy on technology advances and researches  along with international market China and Japan argue that South Korea decided to use the money of their most recent agreements On eletric mats that transfer people around their cities and decided not to make International Trade Agreements for things they actually needed South Korea, on the other hand argues that at the time they got money from their first revenues on automobile industry and electronics China was still connected to Commun...

K-pop on adjustment and Seoul's stocks momentarily jeopardized

  Japan Stock Market Index (JP225)   31949.890    +348.240   (+1.10%) Hong Kong Stock Market Index (HK50)   17664.120    +433.530   (+2.52%) Market Summary  >  KOSPI - Seoul 2,368.34 +25.22  (1.08%) today The discrepancy between these three Asian  stocks pending down to Seoul's, could be pointed out at K-pop market as preponderant at prosthesis and orthesis research. Dancers and singers at K-pop music are predominantly prosthesis implant rehab They dance to research movements for new types of prosthesis and orthesis This is a Trade Deal South Korea has with Japan That supports South Korea's Outter Space researches  which are resposible for hi-tech and automobile industry in South Korea. Thus, K-pop is much more important than only entertaiment, which alone has a major role in the showbusiness.  More recently, K-pop's highly successful researches with lower members of the body (legs and tighs) have been put asi...