Bits, data and Cryptocoin - WITH NEWS!!!
May 5th, BBC In between the flashlights of Coronation Events, news about Data trafficking. Every since Capitalism is more than just a lifestyle, big corporations and people in general will always exchange and hold personal information of population; be it our address and telephone in a resumé sent for a job, or in a subscription for a magazine, as at signing up to an e-Community. The observation of our privacy at home is also an old issue to be addressed. This was made more official through COINTEILPRO - and Mass Surveillance - , both programs used by FBI in the USA during the 1970's to observe activists in their private moments. As for data: Every information that can be considered an e-(in)formation can be called as data. But it is not only about the fraud that criminals can perform by misusing your e-information/data. Every data that can be exchanged by other data ...